Adjunctul secretarului pentru Comert al SUA, Bruce Andrews, a participat pe 11 mai 2015 la summit-ul de la Bucuresti in domeniul securitatii cibernetice.
Mai jos, comunicatul de presa al secretarului adjunct:
„The United States sees great opportunities for collaboration in the critical field of cybersecurity.
With so much of our lives connected to the Internet – from our critical infrastructure and national security systems to our cars and bank accounts – we know the urgency of addressing these new and growing cyber threats.
Against this backdrop, there are many emerging opportunities to partner with our strong ally Romania to create a more secure cyberspace.
Romania is on the front lines of the growing cyber conflict threat in the region. In the first half of 2014, the Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team issued 54,000 alerts – up from 44,000 alerts in all of 2013.
We in the United States face this same threat, and we are eager to collaborate with you to face this emerging danger.
I believe that one of the best ways we can help Romania protect its critical infrastructure from hostile invaders is through the innovative technologies provided by America’s world-class IT companies – including those with us here today.
Of course, Romania has already proven itself to be a world leader in information technology.
Firms here are breaking new ground around the world. For example, the Romanian company Bitdefender recently released one of the first security products made specifically for home networks: “Bitdefender Box.”
This revolutionary technology is essentially antivirus software for your home – protecting all of your devices by scanning network traffic to detect and block potential security threats.
Your expertise in this area has not gone unnoticed by American companies. Romanian is now the second most spoken language – after English – in Microsoft offices around the world.
Because of the combination of technical sophistication and language skills of your people, major U.S. companies like IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and Oracle have established regional offices here.
Without a doubt, our IT sectors are already collaborating and working together – but there is much room for growth.
I’ve brought with me on this trade mission 20 of America’s top cybersecurity companies, ranging in size and specialization. These firms are all industry leaders – providing cutting-edge technologies, products, and services all over the globe.
Some have operated in Romania for decades, while others are looking to do business here for the first time. All of them – working alongside Romania’s own top notch IT companies – can help you achieve your security and economic goals.
But in order for this to happen, it is critical that we do not implement laws and regulations that harm cybersecurity, impede interoperability, and hinder innovation.
We are seeing a rising wave of digital protectionism and digital nationalism around the world, in which governments enact laws and policies to benefit their domestic industries.
These actions – in the guise of economic and security regulations – limit economic growth by denying citizens and businesses access to the best technologies in the world.
If we’re going to prevent future cyber-attacks, government and industry must work together to evolve and meet our shared challenges.
On behalf of the United States Government, we greatly value our close relationship with Romania, and we are committed to strengthening bilateral commercial ties between our countries.
Cybersecurity is a perfect example of a sector in which we can work together to increase national and economic security, create jobs, and provide mutual prosperity for both our economies.
Together, I am confident that we can provide leadership to enhance cybersecurity capabilities across Central and Southeast Europe.”